TERMINALS OF ECU CHECK ECM (for 1UR-FE) HINT: The standard voltage, resistance and waveform between each pair of the ECM terminals is shown in the table below. The appropriate conditions for checking each pair of the terminals is also indicated. The result of checks should be compared with the standard voltage, resistance and waveform for each pair of the terminals as displayed in the Specified Condition column. The illustration above can be used as a reference to identify the ECM terminal locations.
CHECK ECM (for 3UR-FE) HINT: The standard voltage, resistance and waveform between each pair of the ECM terminals is shown in the table below. The appropriate conditions for checking each pair of the terminals is also indicated. The result of checks should be compared with the standard voltage, resistance and waveform for each pair of the terminals as displayed in the Specified Condition column. The illustration above can be used as a reference to identify the ECM terminal locations.
Toyota Tundra Service Manual > Can Communication System: Check Bus 5 Lines for Short Circuit
DESCRIPTION There may be a short circuit between the CAN main bus lines and/or CAN branch lines when the resistance between terminals 15 (CA5H) and 16 (CA5L) of the central gateway ECU (network gateway ECU) is below 54 Ω. Symptom Trouble Area Resistance between terminals 15 (CA5H) and 16 (CA5L) of ...