OPERATION CHECK 1. CHECK WINDSHIELD DEICER OPERATION (a) Turn the ignition switch ON. (b) Check that pressing the air conditioning control assembly (windshield deicer switch) illuminates the indicator and warms the front windshield surface. (c) Check that after approximately 15 minutes, the indicator light turns off and the windshield deicer deactivates. |
Toyota Tundra Service Manual > Parking Brake: Parking Brake System
AdjustmentADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE 1. REMOVE REAR WHEEL 2. ADJUST PARKING BRAKE SHOE CLEARANCE (a) Temporarily install the hub nuts. (b) Remove the hole plug. (c) Insert a screwdriver into the adjustment hole of the disc. Rotate the adjustment wheel in the "X" direction until the shoes are locked. Then ...