DTC CHECK / CLEAR 1. CHECK DTC (a) Turn the ignition switch off. (b) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3. (c) Turn the ignition switch to ON. (d) Turn the Techstream on. (e) Enter the following menus: Body Electrical / Tilt & Telescopic / Trouble Codes. (f) Read the DTCs. Click here 2. CLEAR DTC (a) Turn the ignition switch off. (b) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3. (c) Turn the ignition switch to ON. (d) Turn the Techstream on. (e) Enter the following menus: Body Electrical / Tilt & Telescopic / Trouble Codes. (f) Clear the DTCs. |
Toyota Tundra Service Manual > Camshaft Oil Control Valve: Inspection
INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. INSPECT CAMSHAFT TIMING OIL CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY (a) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below. Standard Resistance: Tester Connection Condition Specified Condition 1 - 2 20°C (68°F) 6.9 to 7.9 Ω If the result is not as specified, replace the ca ...