Toyota Tundra Service Manual: Freeze Frame Data



  • Freeze frame data records the engine conditions (fuel system, calculated load, engine coolant temperature, fuel trim, engine speed, vehicle speed, etc.) when a malfunction is detected. When troubleshooting, it can help determine if the vehicle was moving or stationary, whether the engine was warmed up or not, whether the air-fuel ratio was lean or rich, and other data from the time the malfunction occurred.


    If it is impossible to duplicate the problem even though a DTC is detected, confirm the freeze frame data.

  • The ECM records engine conditions in the form of freeze frame data every 0.5 seconds. Using the Techstream, 5 separate sets of freeze frame data can be checked.
    • 3 data sets before the DTC was stored.
    • 1 data set when the DTC was stored.
    • 1 data set after the DTC was stored.

These data sets can be used to simulate the condition of the vehicle around the time of the occurrence of the malfunction. The data may assist in identifying the cause of the malfunction, and in judging whether it was temporary or not.


Tester Display

Measurement Item

Diagnostic Note

Vehicle Speed

Vehicle speed

Speed indicated on speedometer.

Engine Speed

Engine speed


Calculate Load

Calculated load

Load calculated by ECM.

Vehicle Load

Vehicle load



Mass air flow volume

If approximately 0.0 gm/sec.:

  • Mass air flow meter power source circuit open or shorted.
  • VG circuit open or shorted.

If 160.0 gm/sec. or more:

  • E2G circuit open.

Atmosphere Pressure

Atmospheric pressure



Intake manifold pressure


Coolant Temp

Engine coolant temperature

If -40°C (-40°F), sensor circuit open.

If 140°C (284°F) or more, sensor circuit shorted.

Intake Air

Intake air temperature

If -40°C (-40°F), sensor circuit open.

If 140°C (284°F) or more, sensor circuit shorted.

Engine Run Time

Accumulated engine running time


Initial Engine Coolant Temp

Engine coolant temperature at engine start


Coolant Temp Variation after Engine Start

Coolant temp variation after engine start


Initial Intake Air Temp

Intake air temperature at engine start


Intake Air Temp Variation after Engine Start

Intake air temp variation after engine start


Battery Voltage

Battery voltage


Accel Sens. No.1 Volt %

Absolute Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) No. 1

The No. 1 accelerator pedal position sensor output is converted using 5 V = 100%.

Accel Sens. No.2 Volt %

Absolute APP No. 2

The No. 2 accelerator pedal position sensor output is converted using 5 V = 100%.

Throttle Sensor Volt %

Throttle sensor position

The No. 1 throttle position sensor output is converted using 5 V = 100%.

Throttl Sensor #2 Volt %

Throttle sensor position #2

The No. 2 throttle position sensor output is converted using 5 V = 100%.

Throttle Sensor Position

Throttle position


Throttle Motor DUTY

Throttle actuator


Throttle Position

Throttle position

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

ISC Flow

Flow rate calculated using information from each sensor

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

ISC Position

Requested opening amount calculated using ISC control

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

ISC Feedback Value

ISC feedback compensation amount

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

ISC Learning Value

ISC learned compensation amount

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Electric Load Feedback Val

Compensation flow rate according to electrical load

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Air Conditioner FB Val

Compensation flow rate according to air conditioner load

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

PS Feedback Val

Compensation flow rate according to power steering load

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Low Revolution Control

Low engine speed control operation state

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

N Range Status

Shift lever N status

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Eng Stall Control FB Flow

Intake air compensation flow rate

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Deposit Loss Flow

Flow loss due to deposits

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Fuel Pump Duty

Fuel pump duty


Injector (Port)

Injection period of No. 1 cylinder


Injection Volum (Cylinder 1)

Injection volume


Vacuum Pump

Key-off EVAP system leak detection pump status

Refer to EVAP System (See page ).

Current Fuel Type

Status of the current fuel type


EVAP (Purge) VSV

EVAP purge VSV duty ratio


Evap Purge Flow

Ratio of evaporative purge flow to intake air volume


Purge Density Learn Value

Learning value of purge density


EVAP System Vent Valve

Key-off EVAP system vent valve status



EVAP purge VSV


Purge Cut VSV Duty

Purge cut VSV duty


Target Air-Fuel Ratio

Ratio compared to stoichiometric level


AF Lambda B1S1

Fuel trim at A/F sensor


AF Lambda B2S1

Fuel trim at A/F sensor


AFS Voltage B1S1

AFS Voltage B2S1

A/F sensor output voltage

Performing Control the Injection Volume or Control the Injection Volume for A/F Sensor function of Active Test enables technician to check output voltage of sensor.

AFS Current B1S1

A/F sensor current


AFS Current B2S1

A/F sensor current


A/F Heater Duty B1S1

A/F heater duty ratio (for Bank 1)


A/F Heater Duty B2S1

A/F heater duty ratio (for Bank 2)


O2S B1S2

O2S B2S2

Heated oxygen sensor output voltage

Performing Control the Injection Volume or Control the Injection Volume for A/F Sensor function of Active Test enables technician to check output voltage of sensor.

O2S Impedance B1S2

O2S Impedance B2S2

Sub heated oxygen sensor impedance (for Sensor 2)


O2 Heater B1S2

O2 Heater B2S2

Heated oxygen sensor heater (for Sensor 2)


O2 Heater Curr Val B1S2

O2 Heater Curr Val B2S2

Heated oxygen sensor current (for Sensor 2)


Short FT B1S1

Short-term fuel trim

Short-term fuel compensation used to maintain air-fuel ratio at stoichiometric air-fuel ratio.

Short FT B1S2

Short-term fuel trim


Long FT B1S1

Long-term fuel trim

  • Overall fuel compensation carried out in long-term to compensate for a continual deviation of short-term fuel trim from central value.
  • Air fuel ratio feedback leaning is divided up according to the engine operating range (engine speed x load), and separate values are stored for each operating range. "Long FT B1S1" indicates the learned value for the current operating range. [A/F Learn Value Idle #1], [A/F Learn Value Low #1], [A/F Learn Value Mid1 #1], [A/F Learn Value Mid2 #1] and [A/F Learn Value High #1] indicate the leaned values for the different operating ranges. The learned value that is the same as "Long FT B1S1" indicates the current engine operating range.

Long FT B1S2

Long-term fuel trim


A/F Learn Value Idle #1

Air fuel ratio learned value for idling (for Bank 1)

Learning is performed when idling with the engine warmed up (engine coolant temperature is 75°C [167°F] or higher).

A/F Learn Value Low #1

Air fuel ratio learned value for low engine loads (for Bank 1)

Learning is performed when driving with the engine warmed up (engine coolant temperature is 75°C [167°F] or higher) and operating in the low load range (when the range of engine loads is divided into four parts).

A/F Learn Value Mid1 #1

Air fuel ratio learned value for mid-sized engine loads 1 (for Bank 1)

Learning is performed when driving with the engine warmed up (engine coolant temperature is 75°C [167°F] or higher) and operating in the mid-size load range closer to the low load range (when the range of engine loads is divided into four parts).

A/F Learn Value Mid2 #1

Air fuel ratio learned value for mid-sized engine loads 2 (for Bank 1)

Learning is performed when driving with the engine warmed up (engine coolant temperature is 75°C [167°F] or higher) and operating in the mid-size load range closer to the high load range (when the range of engine loads is divided into four parts).

A/F Learn Value High #1

Air fuel ratio learned value for high engine loads (for Bank 1)

Learning is performed when driving with the engine warmed up (engine coolant temperature is 75°C [167°F] or higher) and operating in the high load range (when the range of engine loads is divided into four parts).

Total FT #1

Total fuel trim


Short FT B2S1

Short-term fuel trim

Short-term fuel compensation used to maintain air-fuel ratio at stoichiometric air-fuel ratio.

Short FT B2S2

Short-term fuel trim


Long FT B2S1

Long-term fuel trim

  • Overall fuel compensation carried out in long-term to compensate for a continual deviation of short-term fuel trim from central value.
  • Air fuel ratio feedback leaning is divided up according to the engine operating range (engine speed x load), and separate values are stored for each operating range. "Long FT B2S1" indicates the learned value for the current operating range. [A/F Learn Value Idle #2], [A/F Learn Value Low #2], [A/F Learn Value Mid1 #2], [A/F Learn Value Mid2 #2] and [A/F Learn Value High #2] indicate the leaned values for the different operating ranges. The learned value that is the same as "Long FT B2S1" indicates the current engine operating range.

Long FT B2S2

Long-term fuel trim


A/F Learn Value Idle #2

Air fuel ratio learned value for idling (for Bank 2)

Learning is performed when idling with the engine warmed up (engine coolant temperature is 75°C [167°F] or higher).

A/F Learn Value Low #2

Air fuel ratio learned value for low engine loads (for Bank 2)

Learning is performed when driving with the engine warmed up (engine coolant temperature is 75°C [167°F] or higher) and operating in the low load range (when the range of engine loads is divided into four parts).

A/F Learn Value Mid1 #2

Air fuel ratio learned value for mid-sized engine loads 1 (for Bank 2)

Learning is performed when driving with the engine warmed up (engine coolant temperature is 75°C [167°F] or higher) and operating in the mid-size load range closer to the low load range (when the range of engine loads is divided into four parts).

A/F Learn Value Mid2 #2

Air fuel ratio learned value for mid-sized engine loads 2 (for Bank 2)

Learning is performed when driving with the engine warmed up (engine coolant temperature is 75°C [167°F] or higher) and operating in the mid-size load range closer to the high load range (when the range of engine loads is divided into four parts).

A/F Learn Value High #2

Air fuel ratio learned value for high engine loads (for Bank 2)

Learning is performed when driving with the engine warmed up (engine coolant temperature is 75°C [167°F] or higher) and operating in the high load range (when the range of engine loads is divided into four parts).

Total FT #2

Total fuel trim


Fuel System Status #1

Fuel system status (for Bank 1)

  • OL (Open Loop): Has not yet satisfied conditions to go to closed loop.
  • CL (Closed Loop): Using A/F sensor as feedback for fuel control.
  • OL Drive: Open loop due to driving conditions (fuel enrichment).
  • OL Fault: Open loop due to detected system fault.
  • CL Fault: Closed loop but A/F sensor, used for fuel control, malfunctioning.

Fuel System Status #2

Fuel system status (for Bank 2)

  • OL (Open Loop): Has not yet satisfied conditions to go to closed loop.
  • CL (Closed Loop): Using A/F sensor as feedback for fuel control.
  • OL Drive: Open loop due to driving conditions (fuel enrichment).
  • OL Fault: Open loop due to detected system fault.
  • CL Fault: Closed loop but A/F sensor, used for fuel control, malfunctioning.

Air pump pressure (Absolute)

Air pump pressure (for Bank 1)


Air Pump2 Pressure (Absolute)

Air pump pressure (for Bank 2)


Air Pump Pulsation Pressure

Air pump pulsation pressure (for Bank 1)


Air Pump2 Pulsation Pressure

Air pump pulsation pressure (for Bank 2)


Secondary Air Control VSV

Secondary air injection system status


2nd Air System Status

Secondary air injection system status


Atmosphere Adoption (Secondary Air)

Atmosphere adoption (Secondary air)


AI Test

Secondary air injection system operation prohibition


Air Pump

Air pump status


Subfreezing Conditions

Subfreezing conditions status


Air Pump Freeze

Air pump freeze status (for Bank 1)


Air Pump2 Freeze

Air pump2 freeze status (for Bank 2)


Air Switching Valve Freeze

Air switching valve freeze status (for Bank 1)


Air Switching Valve2 Freeze

Air switching valve2 freeze status (for Bank 2)


Air Pump Heater

Air pump heater status


IGN Advance

Ignition advance


Knock Feedback Value

Feedback value of knocking


Knock Correct Learn Value

Correction learning value of knocking


Idle Spark Advn Ctrl #1

Individual cylinder timing advance compensation amount (No. 1)

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Idle Spark Advn Ctrl #2

Individual cylinder timing advance compensation amount (No. 2)

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Idle Spark Advn Ctrl #3

Individual cylinder timing advance compensation amount (No. 3)

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Idle Spark Advn Ctrl #4

Individual cylinder timing advance compensation amount (No. 4)

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Idle Spark Advn Ctrl #5

Individual cylinder timing advance compensation amount (No. 5)

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Idle Spark Advn Ctrl #6

Individual cylinder timing advance compensation amount (No. 6)

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Idle Spark Advn Ctrl #7

Individual cylinder timing advance compensation amount (No. 7)

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Idle Spark Advn Ctrl #8

Individual cylinder timing advance compensation amount (No. 8)

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.


VSV for Acoustic Control Induction System (ACIS)


Target EGR Position

Target EGR position


EGR Step Position

EGR step position


Actual VVT Angle #1

Actual VVT displacement angle (bank 1)

This item is used for freeze frame data only

Actual VVT Angle #2

Actual VVT displacement angle (bank 2)

This item is used for freeze frame data only

Actual VVT Ex Angle #1

Actual VVT exhaust displacement angle (bank 1)

This item is used for freeze frame data only

Actual VVT Ex Angle #2

Actual VVT exhaust displacement angle (bank 2)

This item is used for freeze frame data only

VVT Control Status #1

VVT control status (bank 1)


VVT Control Status #2

VVT control status (bank 2)


VVT Advance Fail

VVT control failure status


Catalyst Temp B1S1

Estimated catalyst temperature (for Bank 1 Sensor 1)


Catalyst Temp B2S1

Estimated catalyst temperature (for Bank 2 Sensor 1)


Catalyst Temp B1S2

Estimated catalyst temperature (for Bank 1 Sensor 2)


Catalyst Temp B2S2

Estimated catalyst temperature (for Bank 2 Sensor 2)


Starter Signal

Starter switch (STSW) signal


Starter Control

Starter switch status


Power Steering Signal

Power steering switch status


Starter Relay

Starter relay status


ACC Relay

ACC relay status


Neutral Position SW Signal

Park/neutral position (PNP) switch signal


Transfer L4

L4 status of the transfer


Stop Light Switch

Stop light switch


A/C Signal

A/C signal


Closed Throttle Position SW

Closed throttle position switch


Fuel Cut Condition

Fuel cut condition


Immobiliser Communication

Immobiliser communication


TC Terminal

TC terminal status


Time after DTC Cleared

Cumulative time after DTCs cleared


Distance from DTC Cleared

Accumulated distance after DTCs cleared


Warmup Cycle Cleared DTC

Warm-up cycles after DTCs cleared


Dist Batt Cable Disconnect

Total distance vehicle driven after battery cable disconnected


IG OFF Elapsed Time

Cumulative time after ignition switch off


TC and TE1

TC and CG (TE1) terminals of DLC3


Total Distance Traveled

Total distance traveled


Ignition Trig. Count

Ignition counter


Cylinder #1 Misfire Count

Misfire count of cylinder No. 1


Cylinder #2 Misfire Count

Misfire count of cylinder No. 2


Cylinder #3 Misfire Count

Misfire count of cylinder No. 3


Cylinder #4 Misfire Count

Misfire count of cylinder No. 4


Cylinder #5 Misfire Count

Misfire count of cylinder No. 5


Cylinder #6 Misfire Count

Misfire count of cylinder No. 6


Cylinder #7 Misfire Count

Misfire count of cylinder No. 7


Cylinder #8 Misfire Count

Misfire count of cylinder No. 8


All Cylinders Misfire Count

All cylinders misfire


Multi Cylinders Misfire Count

Multiple cylinder misfire


Misfire RPM

Engine speed when misfire occurred


Misfire Load

Engine load when misfire occurred


Misfire Margin

Margin to detect engine misfire


Catalyst OT MF F/C

Catalyst over temperature misfire prevention F/C


Cat OT MF F/C History

Catalyst over temperature misfire prevention F/C history


Cat OT MF F/C Cylinder#1

Display of fuel cut operation in No. 1 cylinder (if certain level of misfire malfunction is detected)


Cat OT MF F/C Cylinder#2

Display of fuel cut operation in No. 2 cylinder (if certain level of misfire malfunction is detected)


Cat OT MF F/C Cylinder#3

Display of fuel cut operation in No. 3 cylinder (if certain level of misfire malfunction is detected)


Cat OT MF F/C Cylinder#4

Display of fuel cut operation in No. 4 cylinder (if certain level of misfire malfunction is detected)


Cat OT MF F/C Cylinder#5

Display of fuel cut operation in No. 5 cylinder (if certain level of misfire malfunction is detected)


Cat OT MF F/C Cylinder#6

Display of fuel cut operation in No. 6 cylinder (if certain level of misfire malfunction is detected)


Cat OT MF F/C Cylinder#7

Display of fuel cut operation in No. 7 cylinder (if certain level of misfire malfunction is detected)


Cat OT MF F/C Cylinder#8

Display of fuel cut operation in No. 8 cylinder (if certain level of misfire malfunction is detected)


Engine Speed (Starter Off)

Engine speed when starter off

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Starter Count

Number of times starter turned on after ignition switch turned to ON

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Run Dist of Previous Trip

Distance driven during previous trip

Before 5 seconds elapse after starting the engine, which is the DTC P1604 (Startability Malfunction) detection duration, this parameter indicates the distance driven during the previous trip.

After 5 seconds elapse after starting the engine, this parameter indicates the distance driven during the current trip calculated from the vehicle speed signal.


Run Dist of Previous Trip in the freeze frame data present when the startability malfunction occurred (DTC P1604 detected) indicates the distance driven during the previous trip, but in all other cases, such as for the snapshot data of the Data List (real-time measurements), or for freeze frame data present when DTCs other than P1604 were detected, the value indicates the distance driven during the current trip.

Engine Starting Time

Time elapsed after engine started (interval between ignition switch ON and off)

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Previous Trip Coolant Temp

Engine coolant temperature during previous trip

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Previous Trip Intake Temp

Intake air temperature during previous trip

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Engine Oil Temperature

Engine oil temperature (estimated temperature)

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Previous Trip Eng Oil Temp

Engine oil temperature during previous trip

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Ambient Temp for A/C

Ambient temperature for A/C

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Previous Trip Ambient Temp

Ambient temperature during previous trip

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Engine Start Hesitation

History of hesitation during engine start

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Low Rev for Eng Start

History of low engine speed after engine start

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Minimum Engine Speed

Minimum engine speed

For use when engine stall, starting problems or rough idle is present.

Status of IG Switch

Ignition switch condition


Status of Engine Start

Engine start condition


Status of WI Terminal Low Voltage Guard Determination

WI low voltage guard judgment

In order to prevent data corruption due to low voltage while writing to RAM, if the VC voltage drops to 4.5 V or less, this item is set to "ON" to prohibit writing to RAM.

Status of +B Terminal Low Voltage Guard Determination

+B low voltage guard judgment

When the system is unstable due to low battery voltage, DTCs cannot be accurately detected.

Therefore, when the +B voltage drops to 7.5 V or less, this item is set to "ON" to prohibit DTC detection.

Status of STA Terminal Low Voltage Guard Determination

STA low voltage guard judgment

When the system is unstable due to low battery voltage according to starter operation, DTCs cannot be accurately detected.

Therefore, when the starter operates, this item is set to "ON" to prohibit DTC detection.

Status of IG Switch Terminal Low Voltage Guard Determination

IGSW low voltage guard judgment

When other ECUs do not start while the ignition switch is off or the system is unstable immediately after the ECM starts, DTCs cannot be accurately detected.

Therefore, the ignition switch is turned off or 0.5 seconds after the ignition switch is turned to ON, this item is set to "ON" to prohibit DTC detection.

Status of Soak Timer Start

Soak timer start condition


Soak Timer Start Request

Start signal from soak timer IC


Soak IC Current Timer Value

Current soak timer value

P2610 clock comparison detection compares "Soak IC Current Timer Value" and "Soak Timer Clear" to detect malfunctions.

Soak Timer Clear

Time elapsed since soak timer was cleared

When the ignition switch is turned off after the engine starts, the "Soak Timer Clear" value is cleared.

Soak Timer Start History

Soak timer start history


Soak IC First Start Time

Initial soak timer start time

First time soak timer started after ignition switch was turned off.

Soak Start Count

Number of times soak timer started from ignition switch ON to ignition switch off


Main Relay ON Time after IG OFF

EFI relay ON time after ignition switch was turned off

When the ignition switch is ON, this item displays 0 ms.

Main Relay ON Time after IG OFF of Previous Trip

EFI relay ON time after previous time ignition switch was turned off


Main Relay ON Time after Soak Start of Previous Trip

EFI relay ON time after previous clock comparison detection


Power Steering Pressure

Power steering oil pressure sensor



A/C cut status for Active Test


Electric Cooling Fan Low

Electric fan motor operation status


Brake Override System

Brake Override System


Idle Fuel Cut

Fuel cut at idle

ON: when throttle valve fully closed and engine speed over 3500 rpm.


Fuel cut during very light load

Fuel cut being performed under very light load to prevent engine combustion from becoming incomplete.

Immobiliser Fuel Cut

Status of the immobiliser fuel cut


Immobiliser Fuel Cut History

Status of the immobiliser fuel cut history


Vehicle Spec Signal 1

Status of the Vehicle Spec Judge Signal 1


Electrical Load Signal 1

Electrical load signal 1


Electrical Load Signal 2

Electrical load signal 2


Cruise Main SW

Status of the cruise main switch signal


Cruise Cancel Signal

Status of the cruise cancel signal


A/F Sensor Determination (worst value) #1

Worst judgment value of air fuel ratio sensor output (bank 1)


A/F Sensor Determination (worst value) #2

Worst judgment value of air fuel ratio sensor output (bank 2)


Engine Speed Fluctuation Avg (worst value) #1

Worst value of average engine speed fluctuation (Cylinder No. 1)


Engine Speed Fluctuation Avg (worst value) #2

Worst value of average engine speed fluctuation (Cylinder No. 2)


Engine Speed Fluctuation Avg (worst value) #3

Worst value of average engine speed fluctuation (Cylinder No. 3)


Engine Speed Fluctuation Avg (worst value) #4

Worst value of average engine speed fluctuation (Cylinder No. 4)


Engine Speed Fluctuation Avg (worst value) #5

Worst value of average engine speed fluctuation (Cylinder No. 5)


Engine Speed Fluctuation Avg (worst value) #6

Worst value of average engine speed fluctuation (Cylinder No. 6)


Engine Speed Fluctuation Avg (worst value) #7

Worst value of average engine speed fluctuation (Cylinder No. 7)


Engine Speed Fluctuation Avg (worst value) #8

Worst value of average engine speed fluctuation (Cylinder No. 8)



Input shaft speed

Data displayed in increments of 50 rpm.


Output shaft speed


Shift SW Status (P Range)

PNP switch status (P Range)

When shift lever position displayed on Techstream differs from actual position, adjustment of PNP switch or shift cable may be incorrect.

Shift SW Status (R Range)

PNP switch status (R Range)

When shift lever position displayed on Techstream differs from actual position, adjustment of PNP switch or shift cable may be incorrect.

Shift SW Status (N Range)

Park/Neutral position (PNP) switch status (N Range)

When shift lever position displayed on Techstream differs from actual position, adjustment of Park/Neutral position (PNP) switch signal or shift cable may be incorrect.

Shift SW Status (N,P Range) Supported

Status of PNP switch (N or P) supported


Shift SW Status (N,P Range)

PNP switch status (N or P Range)


Sports Shift Up SW

Sport shift up switch status


Sports Shift Down SW

Sport shift down switch status


Sports Mode Selection SW

Sport mode select switch status


Shift SW Status (D Range)

PNP switch status (D Range)

When shift lever position displayed on Techstream differs from actual position, adjustment of PNP switch or shift cable may be incorrect.

A/T Oil Temperature 1

No. 1 ATF temperature sensor value

If value -40°C (-40°F) or 215°C (419°F), No. 1 ATF temperature sensor circuit open or shorted.

A/T Oil Temperature 2

No. 2 ATF temperature sensor value

If value -40°C (-40°F) or 215°C (419°F), No. 2 ATF temperature sensor circuit open or shorted.

ATF Thermal Degradation Estimate

Estimated value of ATF thermal degradation


Lock Up



Shift Status

ECM gear shift command


SLT Solenoid Status

Shift solenoid SLT status


SLU Solenoid Status

Shift solenoid SLU status


Torque Converter Temperature Raise History

Torque converter temperature raise history status


    Fail-safe Chart

    Fuel Injector Circuit

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